Summarize your overall impression of the participating family’s community and environment.

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Identify 3–5 aspects of the community that could affect residents’ health.
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Summarize your overall impression of the participating family’s community and environment.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word reflection in which you complete the following:

Define community, community health, community as client, and partnerships.
Summarize your overall impression of the participating family’s community and environment.
Note your observations about cultural diversity and vulnerable populations present in the community.
Identify 3–5 aspects of the community that could affect residents’ health.
Identify one Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator (LHI) and explain how it is relevant to the community.

Note. Remove all personally identifying information such as the family members’ names. Refer to family members by initials only.

My participating family consist of A couple. Y.P(Husband) and M.L(Wife) and A.L and L.L (husband’s in-laws) and two children, L.P and C.P (9 yr, 2 yr. They only have one car, live in the 33157 zip code, the make $8/hr each (Y.P and M.L) pay $950 in rent, in-laws take care of children and don’t work.

Format your reflection consistent with APA guidelines.

Complete a Windshield Survey that addresses all of the components below.

Compile your Windshield Survey data in a TABLE, SPREADSHEET OR OTHER APPROPRIATE FORMAT.

So the community zip code that was assigned to me was Miami, FL 33157. The professor stated that we were to Google the demographic data below by typing the zip code and finding out this type of demographic data in that zip code which will be needed information to type the paper above.

Housing and zoning
Race, culture, and ethnicity
Open space ( free land if any)
Social service centers (immigration, clinics, etc)
Boundaries (area covered by 33157)
Stores, businesses, and industries (Macys, Target, Publix, Wind Dixie, etc)
Health indicators and morbidity
Commons (Playgrounds, Parks, common areas for people to share)
Signs of decay
Crime Rate
Employment Rate
Environmental Factors
Public Services (Fire, Police)
Condition of the area (nice, poor, low income)
Street people and animals (homeless people if any, animals, which type)

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