zipphy is a 19 yr previous third yr engineering scholar who has been introduced into the emergency division by paramedics. He has sustained a laceration to his arm when he put his fist by a window.

How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old?A key assumption in Lazarus’ model is that individuals differ in their appraisal of similar events (Kelso, French, & Fernandez, 2005).
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zipphy is a 19 yr previous third yr engineering scholar who has been introduced into the emergency division by paramedics. He has sustained a laceration to his arm when he put his fist by a window.

zipphy is a 19 yr previous third yr engineering scholar who has been introduced into the emergency division by paramedics. He has sustained a laceration to his arm when he put his fist by a window.

zipphy is confused and stressed, is noticeably sweating and must be restrained by safety as he aggressively threatens and screams obscenities at different folks round him. zipphy’s associates informed the paramedics he took some crystal

meth at this time and so they suspect he might have taken some the previous few days as effectively.

On examination, along with his arm laceration, zipphy has a patent airway and robust peripheral pulses. His very important indicators are HR 160 bpm; BP

195/110mmHg; RR 42; Temp 40.2 C. His pores and skin is flushed, diaphoretic, and sizzling to the touch. His preliminary pathology outcomes present elevated BUN and CK ranges.

• Essay Question
Using present literature and analysis, focus on the nursing tasks and actions obligatory when managing a crystal meth overdose. Base your

reply within the offered state of affairs. In addition, clarify the mechanism of motion, scientific results, and ongoing bodily and psychosocial issues

of utilizing crystal meth. (use primarily Australian literature if attainable)

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