Why are you motivated to study nursing or medicine? Talk about an experience that drives you to pursue a health care career.

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Why are you motivated to study nursing or medicine? Talk about an experience that drives you to pursue a health care career.

Submit a 600 to 1,000 word essay explaining what you hope to accomplish during your career in the medical field. Recommended topics include:

Why are you motivated to study nursing or medicine? Talk about an experience that drives you to pursue a health care career.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing nursing and health students today?

Talk about a personal achievement that shows your commitment to nursing or health care.

Challenge facing nursing and health students

More than half of nurses say patient and carers’ expectation of services that cannot be met with existing resources is the “biggest problem” currently facing nursing.

According to a survey of nurse opinion, 55% of respondents highlighted this issue as their biggest concern.

Meanwhile 52% said cuts to the nursing workforce, both registered and non-registered, was the main concern facing the profession. A further 42% highlighted cuts to the registered nurse workforce and 41% inadequate care of older patients, such as issues of dignity and nutrition, in the NHS.

Lack of support for staff who raise concerns about the quality of care was cited by 35% of respondents and 27% thought the biggest problem was either lack of compassion in some nursing staff; inadequate care of older patients in the care sector; and pressure and lack of support for ward and community managers.

Nursing Times also asked nurses which issues facing the profession they found most concerning on a personal level.

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