Which of these alleles is resistant to the antibiotic?

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Which of these alleles is resistant to the antibiotic?

You are treating a skin infection by a bacteria in a human. You notice that there are two genotypes Show more You are treating a skin infection by a bacteria in a human. You notice that there are two genotypes of bacteria in the infection C1 and C2. You first check to see what the relative fitness of the two types before treating the patient. You give an antibiotic and recheck the fitnesses with the results shown i the table. Genotype C1 C2 No antibiotics 1 1.02 Antibiotic treatment 1 .6 For each of these two situations calculate what the frequency of allele 1 would be for the next TWO generations starting from p=.2. Which of these alleles is resistant to the antibiotic? If you could leave the infection untreated by antibiotics what would the frequency of the resistant type be after a long time? **Please show your work!! Thanks! Show less

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