Which healthcare professionals should be a part of the emergency response team? Why?Create a detailed organizational chart of your training command flow at your present or from a past employer.

Mark is a 15-year-old with complaint of acute left scrotal pain with nausea. The pain began approximately 6 hours ago as a dull ache and has gradually worsened to where he can no longer stand without doubling over. He is afebrile and in marked pain.
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Nursing descriprition;Duffy, J. (2013) Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems. New York. Springer.
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Which healthcare professionals should be a part of the emergency response team? Why?Create a detailed organizational chart of your training command flow at your present or from a past employer.

Which healthcare professionals should be a part of the emergency response team? Why?Create a detailed organizational chart of your training command flow at your present or from a past employer.
Elements Of An Emergency Response Plan

Using South University Online Library or the Internet, research and discuss on the topic, “Elements of an Emergency Response Plan for a Healthcare Facility.” Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:

Where should the emergency response plan be posted?
How often should training be provided—annually or quarterly?
Which healthcare professionals should be a part of the emergency response team? Why?
Create a detailed organizational chart of your training command flow at your present or from a past employer.
Combine your answers in 7- to 8-slides of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation; not including the title slide and the references slide. Use Notes section for slide narrative. Each slide should contain minimum of two minutes of narrative or talking points.

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

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