Which education points would you focus on related to her recent diagnosis and possible development of Metabolic syndrome.

Identify a current research problem related to advanced nursing practice that is of interest to you.
November 10, 2021
Nursing and New Hampshire
November 10, 2021
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Which education points would you focus on related to her recent diagnosis and possible development of Metabolic syndrome.

Which education points would you focus on related to her recent diagnosis and possible development of Metabolic syndrome.


It is estimated that 27- 34% or 1 in 5 Americans are living with Metabolic syndrome. Understanding it is a condition, not a specific disease, assessing for and identifying Metabolic syndrome can be difficult for a health care provider. After reviewing these suggested websites, or other evidenced based journals or websites related to Metabolic syndrome, please answer the following questions:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/ms/ http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/MetabolicSyndrome/Metabolic-Syndrome_UCM_002080_SubHomePage.jsp #2- You are discharging a 48 year-old female patient recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The patient has a complex medical history, including a BMI> 30, HTN, triglyceride level- 191 mg/dL, and shortness of breath. Which education points would you focus on related to her recent diagnosis and possible development of Metabolic syndrome.Metabolic Syndrome itself is not a disease, but a group of risk factors that raise a persons risk for health problems, those being heart disease, diabetes and stroke. In this case study, the patient has already been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and hypertension, along with having a triglycreide level of 191 (a level of 151 or higher presents a contributing factor for MBS). She has already surpassed three of the risk factors for MBS. Hypertension, a raised BMI of over 30indicative of obesityand a high triglyceride level. A triglyceride level of 191 is borderline high, that being 150 – 199 mg/dL. An abnormal triglyceride level may be due to poorly controlled diabetes. Therefore, there is a direct correlation between the two. She also has shortness of breath, congruent with hypertension that would correlate strongly with heart failure. The education points I would recommend to the patient to reduce her symptoms of MDS and to prevent further aggravating her already diagnoses conditions would include: Supplying her with adequate education…; It is estimated that 27- 34% or 1 in 5 Americans are living with Metabolic syndrome. Understanding it is a condition, not a specific disease, assessing for and identifying Metabolic syndrome can be difficult for a health care provider. After reviewing these suggested websites, or other evidenced based journals or websites related to Metabolic syndrome, please answer the following questions:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/ms/ http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/MetabolicSyndrome/Metabolic-Syndrome_UCM_002080_SubHomePage.jsp #2- You are discharging a 48 year-old female patient recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The patient has a complex medical history, including a BMI> 30, HTN, triglyceride level- 191 mg/dL, and shortness of breath. Which education points would you focus on related to her recent diagnosis and possible development of Metabolic syndrome.Metabolic Syndrome itself is not a disease, but a group of risk factors that raise a persons risk for health problems, those being heart disease, diabetes and stroke. In this case study, the patient has already been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and hypertension, along with having a triglycreide level of 191 (a level of 151 or higher presents a contributing factor for MBS). She has already surpassed three of the risk factors for MBS. Hypertension, a raised BMI of over 30indicative of obesityand a high triglyceride level. A triglyceride level of 191 is borderline high, that being 150 – 199 mg/dL. An abnormal triglyceride level may be due to poorly controlled diabetes. Therefore, there is a direct correlation between the two. She also has shortness of breath, congruent with hypertension that would correlate strongly with heart failure. The education points I would recommend to the patient to reduce her symptoms of MDS and to prevent further aggravating her already diagnoses conditions would include: Supplying her with adequate education…

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