What theory, research, or practice of sport performance enhancement did you learn about in this course that you were completely unaware of before taking this class? Now that you are aware of this, how do you see this impacting your current professional practice?

Discuss how you would negotiate the conflict between your values and your ethical obligation to release your client’s records.
October 24, 2018
Do you think that one’s decision to conform to a particular norm of society is more a matter of personality, or more a matter of the particular social situation in which one finds oneself? Why? Do you think the same is true of a decision not to conform? Do you think the same is true of a decision to obey or not obey the instruction of a superior? Explain.
October 24, 2018
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What theory, research, or practice of sport performance enhancement did you learn about in this course that you were completely unaware of before taking this class? Now that you are aware of this, how do you see this impacting your current professional practice?

Assignment 2: Reflection Paper

Throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to explore a number of theory, research, and practice of sport performance enhancement ideas that are applicable for both individuals and groups of performers through a variety of psychological interventions. This exploration has allowed you to examine the psychological factors necessary for optimal sport performance to aid in appropriate intervention planning. Write a reflection paper in 2–3 pages, addressing the following:

  • What theory, research, or practice of sport performance enhancement did you learn about in this course that you were completely unaware of before taking this class? Now that you are aware of this, how do you see this impacting your current professional practice?
  • What psychological interventions did you learn about in this course that you were unaware of previously? Now that you are aware of these psychological interventions, how do you see them impacting your current professional practice?
  • Fundamentally throughout this course, you attempted to weave together the theories and research with designing psychological interventions. Describe why studying these concepts together helps you better understand the profession. How does the interaction between theories and research with designing psychological interventions bring an improved level of understanding to the contemporary sport performers?
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