What is the overall effectiveness of the use of mindfulness meditation intervention in teen-age college students?

What is the reported effect of mindfulness meditation on reducing stress in teen-age college students?
April 4, 2022
Describe the researchers role and participation in the study
April 4, 2022
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What is the overall effectiveness of the use of mindfulness meditation intervention in teen-age college students?

Proposal Guidelines
INTRODUCTION (PROBLEM STATEMENT) (4 PAGES) The Problem: Include only the problem and why it is important. This should be written to increase the interest in the topic i.e. why it is important. It should not be a long section (1 to 2 paragraphs)
Background and Significance of the Problem: This section should give supporting evidence from the literature (brief explanations) that explain the problem and support the need to understand it.
Statement of the Purpose
Research Questions
What is the reported effect of mindfulness meditation on reducing stress in teen-age college students?
What is the overall effectiveness of the use of mindfulness meditation intervention in teen-age college students?
Philosophical Assumptions on which the Research is based: The model that will guide for the study
Significance to Nursing: Why this study is important to nursing and how it will add to the knowledge base of nursingREVIEW OF THE LITERATURE (11 PAGES) (should be a synthesis of the research on the topic)
Introduction to the review of the literatureIntroduction explains what will be presented in the chapter and what search engines used to collect/find research articles and what the key words used for the search.Empirical Literature
Review of the relevant articlesThis is the problem are addressing need to support the problem from the literature this may include incidence prevalence impact on society cost to society and any other data that describes the importance of researching the topic. Should include following topic;Mindfulness meditation intervention studies
Studies of mindfulness meditation and stress
Studies of mindfulness meditation and blood pressure/heart rate (cardiovascular)Identification of type of research: Description of studies includes purpose theory base method finding and strengths/limitations.Gaps in LiteratureThe subject that is not covered or not covered sufficiently in the literature which are interested in studyingConclusion
The following articles are selected to use in the Review of the LiteratureMindfulness and Health Behaviors: Is Paying Attention Good for You?
The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on nurse stress and burnout part II A quantitative study
The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on nurse stress and burnout part III A qualitative study
4. Effects of brief and sham mindfulness meditation on mood and cardiovascular variables.
5. Developing mindfulness in college students through movement-based courses: Effects on self-regulatory self-efficacy mood stress and sleep quality.
6. A randomized controlled trial on effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on blood pressure psychological distress and coping in young adults.
7. Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: a randomized controlled trial.
8. Mindfulness meditation may lessen anxiety promote social skills and improve academic performance among adolescents with learning disabilities.
9. The evaluation of a mind/body intervention to reduce psychological distress and perceived stress in college students.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction: Effect on emotional distress in older adults
Self-report mindfulness as a mediator of psychological well-being in a stress reduction intervention for cancer patients-a randomized study
Sitting-meditation interventions among youth: A review of treatment efficacy
Evaluation of a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program for caregivers of children with chronic conditions
Mindfulness mediation training in adults and adolescents with ADHD
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for solid organ transplant recipients: A randomized controlled trail

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