What is the most effective way to decrease the rate of tobacco use in the U.S.?

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What is the most effective way to decrease the rate of tobacco use in the U.S.?

Purpose To suggest a question or problem to answer or address through original empirical research. And also to offer a detailed plan for this research in order to answer the question or problem in the future. May offer possible answers to the question or problem (hypotheses) but no thesis. Example: What is the most effective way to decrease the rate of tobacco use in the U.S.?
Role of previous scholarship/lit. To show how previous recent studies have addressed the research question or problem and then briefly compare and contrast your plan for answering the research question or problem to these previous studies; or to explain how your study will differ from these previous studies. Example: Whereas recent studies have focused on the perceptions of current smokers regarding tobacco use my proposed research will focus on former smokers to examine their reasons and motivations for quitting.
Role of theory To show how the proposed research will support test or challenge one or more theories. Example: My proposed research will test addiction theory by determining whether social factors outside of psychological addiction predict tobacco use more than addiction itself.
Results/Findings Only hypothesized anticipated or predicted based on previous literature and perhaps a pilot study. But not conclusive! Example: Previous studies and my pilot study suggest that former smokers respond more to the availability of tobacco than to the price of it.
Conclusion To summarize and emphasize the importance of your proposed research question or problem and the benefits of seeking an answer to this question or problem. Example: Determining the most effective ways to decrease tobacco use can greatly improve the overall health of our nation and lead to significant decreases in the cost of health care.
Week 1. You retrieved scholarly articles from a library database
Week 2. You produced an annotated bibliography
Week 3. You critiqued published scholarship
Week 4. You carried out a small informal pilot study
Week 5. You identified theoretical foundations of your research project
Week 6. You explained the choice of research method for an original project
Week 7: You constructed a research proposal
*FINAL WEEK: Complete the capstone research proposal. The research proposal needs to have the following sections: An Introduction Literature Review Theoretical Foundations section Research Methods section Anticipated Findings section Conclusion with Policy Recommendations any Appendices (if applicable) and References page.
Your research topic is: The lack of educational equity for African American students in public schools and higher education. **Do not deviate from the research topic. Focus on the research topic. **
In addition to the attachments also look at text for assistance: Patten Mildred L. (2010). Proposing Empirical Research: A Guide to the Fundamentals (4th ed.). Glendale CA: Pyrczak. ISBN 1-884585-89-2
**Work from the attached rough draft. There are other attachments for reference. Turn the rough draft into a final draft. **
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Graduates should be able to:
PLO 1 Methods: Apply sociological methodological approaches.
PLO 2 Diversity: Evaluate the effects of multiculturalism in society.
PLO 3 Theory: Apply major sociological theories to practical situations.
PLO 4 Statistics: Interpret and evaluate published research through utilizing acquired statistical knowledge.
PLO 5 Research/Application: Create an applied research or related project.
#1 Knowledge Link- incorporates significant connections between knowledge acquired in the course and knowledge applied in work experiential learning or community activities.
#2 Explanation- explains how academic and experiential elements were combined in the completed work to shape its intended meaning or findings. Provides clearly stated detailed examples from work experiential learning or community activities.
#3 Disciplinary Contextualization- supports relationship of the completed work to literature in its field(s). Employs a significant number of academically relevant cited sources in the product.
#4 Reflection Describes the knowledge acquired as a result of learning outside the classroom. Presents in a thoughtful and thorough discussion a significant number of reflective points of learning gained through project paper or performance.
#5 Analysis Presents sophisticated comparison and contrast of the benefits and consequences of multiple approaches or options in the final product.
#6 Embracing Contradictions- Consistently integrates ideas from alternate divergent or contradictory perspectives or ideas in the final product.
#7 Innovative Thinking Demonstrates sophistocated innovative thinking consistently transforming ideas or solutions into an entirely new form through connection and synthesis.
#8 Introduction with research question and hypothesis The research question and hypothesis are clearly formulated with the significance of each adequately explained and the proposed methods briefly introduced.
#9 Literature Review- The literature review is well organized and does not just present a summary of related research but an evaluation of this research in terms of the methodologies used and the proposed research question.
#10 Theoretical Foundation -There is at least one clearly recognizable theory related to the research topic and it is explained well.
#11 Research Methods Clearly describes the participants the tools of measurement or instrumentation and the procedures in detail taking into account all variables and controls. Adequately explains how the choices proposed will help answer the research question. Thoughtfully addresses possible ethical concerns.
#12 Anticipated Findings Includes at least three well-explained possible results based on the proposed methods. These results correspond to the proposed research question and are wellsupported by previously published research and/or a pilot study.
#13 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations Provides a strong summary of previous sections with new wording and a thoughtful discussion of the practical implications and benefits of the proposed research.
#14 Citations and References All internal/in-text citations are mostly accurate in APA format. References include all sources cited in the body of the proposal alphabetically listed and in APA format with little to no errors in formatting.
#15 Mechanics PROPER ENGLISH speaking language Spelling grammar and punctuation are mostly accurate throughout the proposal with no errors.

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