What is the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T score for CVLT Acquisition?

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What is the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T score for CVLT Acquisition?

1.Which patient scored the highest on the preoperative CVLT Acquisition? What was his or her T score?

2.Which patient scored the lowest on postoperative CVLT Retrieval? What was this patient’s T score?

3.Did the patient in Question 2 have more of a memory performance decline than average on the CVLT Retrieval? Provide a rationale for your answer.

4.What is the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T score for CVLT Acquisition?

5.Is the preoperative Retrieval T score for Patient 5 above or below the mean for the norm of the group? Provide a rationale for your answer.

6.Assuming that the distribution of the preoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between what two values?

7.Assuming that the distribution of scores for the postoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between what two values?

8.The researchers state that it appears that the functional integrity of the left temporal lobe, despite evidence of structural abnormality, plays a considerable role when it comes to memory outcomes following left ATL. Can the findings from this study be generalized to a larger population? Provide a rationale for your answer.

9.If a patient had a raw score = 30, what would his/her postoperative CVLT Retrieval T score be?

10.Did patients demonstrate more postoperative memory declines among CVLT Retrieval T scores than CVLT Acquisition T scores? Provide a rationale for your answer.

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