• What is the general appearance of those you observed? Do they appear healthy? Do you notice any people with obvious disabilities, such as those using walkers or wheelchairs, or those with mental or emotional disabilities? Where do they live?

Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of both disorders. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for a patient based on the factor you selected.
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Describe your target audience and explain which method of dissemination you would use as well as the organization or journal you would choose for sharing findings related to your Practicum Project (Online Journal of Nursing Informatics
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• What is the general appearance of those you observed? Do they appear healthy? Do you notice any people with obvious disabilities, such as those using walkers or wheelchairs, or those with mental or emotional disabilities? Where do they live?

1. The city of Virginia Beach, Va is a scenic stretch of land located at the juncture of Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Once known mainly for its fields of fruit and grains — the city as it stands today was not incorporated until 1963 — the area has increasingly become a mecca for tourists intent on beach, boating or golf vacations. The city is also home to a large military population, and the sound of naval fighter planes is commonplace in the area. (Pearson, 2016)

Community vitality:

• Are people visible in the community? Upon driving around the neighborhood early in the morning, I see people walking around the trail with their partner or with a pet. I see people with any ages just enjoying the scenery especially the lake behind the community.

• Who are the people living in the neighborhood? In my neighborhood, its a nice, quiet community that mostly retired people reside. My neighbors from both sides are retired and are over 50 years old. I can say that we are the youngest in my neighborhood. Two houses down lived a grandmother and her 2 grandchildren ages 4 and 7 years old. What is their age range? What is the predominant age (e.g., elderly, preschoolers, young mothers, or school-aged children)?

• What ethnicity or race is most common? The majority that lived in my neighborhood are white and some asian descent.

• What is the general appearance of those you observed? Do they appear healthy? Do you notice any people with obvious disabilities, such as those using walkers or wheelchairs, or those with mental or emotional disabilities? Where do they live?

• Do you notice residents who are well nourished or malnourished, thin or obese, vigorous or frail, unkempt or scantily dressed, or well dressed and clean?

• Do you notice tourists or visitors to the community?
• Do you observe any people who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

• Do you see any pregnant women? Do you see women with strollers and young children?

Upon driving around the neighborhood early in the morning, I see people walking around the trail with their partner or with a pet. I see people with any ages just enjoying the scenery especially the lake behind the community. Indian Lakes community is a nice, quiet community that most people that reside are retired. My neighbors from both sides are retired and are over 50 years old. I can say that we are the youngest in my neighborhood.. Two houses down lived a grandmother and her 2 grandchildren ages 4 and 7 years old.

In my observation, people in my community are well nourished, well dressed, and clean. I have seen people that are thin and some are overweight. Theres an elementary school half a mile from my house, therefore I have seen children from infant to 5th grade. I have seen pregnant moms dropping and picking up older siblings.

2. Indicators of social and economic conditions:

• What is the general condition of the homes you observe? Are these single-family homes or multifamily structures? Is there any evidence of dilapidated housing or of areas undergoing urban renewal? Is there public housing? What is its condition?

• What forms of transportation do people seem to be using? Is there public transit? Are there adequate bus stops with benches and shade? Is transportation to health care resources available?

• Are there any indicators of the kinds of work available to residents? Are there job opportunities nearby, such as factories, small businesses, or military installations? Are there unemployed people visible, such as homeless people?

• Do you see men congregating in groups on the street? What do they look like, and what are they doing?

• Is this a rural area? Are there farms or agricultural businesses?

• Do you note any seasonal workers, such as migrant or day laborers?

• Do you see any women hanging out along the streets? What are they doing?

• Do you observe any children or adolescents out of school during the daytime?

• Do you observe any interest in political campaigns or issues, such as campaign signs?

• Do you see any evidence of health education on billboards, advertisements, signs, radio stations, or television stations? Do these methods seem appropriate for the people you observed?

What kinds of schools and day care centers are available?

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