What has the nursing profession gained from Health Information Technology?For the following questions, be sure to incorporate what you have read about ethics, legality, and security concerns.

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What has the nursing profession gained from Health Information Technology?For the following questions, be sure to incorporate what you have read about ethics, legality, and security concerns.

What has the nursing profession gained from Health Information Technology?For the following questions, be sure to incorporate what you have read about ethics, legality, and security concerns.

To answer the questions below, enter the forum and click on the thread titled Module 6 Questions. For the following questions, be sure to incorporate what you have read about ethics, legality, and security concerns.

What has the nursing profession gained from Health Information Technology?
What has nursing contributed?
What challenges and questions remain?
Who will address these challenges and questions?

ISBN: 9781284043518

Reading textbook and chapter: 2015. Nursing Science And The Foundation of Knowledge. In K. G. Dee McGonigle, Nursing Informatics And The Foundation of Knowledge). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 5 Ethical Applications of Informatics

Chapter 9 Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HITECH and HIPAA

Chapter 13 Electronic Security

Article – IOM: “To Err is Human” Overview

Informatics: Scope & Standards – pp. 43-49

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