What are their strongest legal arguments?

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What are their strongest legal arguments?

What are their strongest legal arguments?

Drive-In Dons fast food restaurant sells the most delicious burgers in town at the most affordable price. Elementary and high schools in the vicinity have contracted with the restaurant to serve burgers during lunch hour. However, the county health departments one-year study shows that children from these schools have the highest cholesterol, are the most obese, and are the least active. George and Marys son, Randall, 12, attends one of the schools where Drive-In Dons foods are served. He suffers from extreme obesity and high cholesterol and runs the risk of diabetes. George and Mary have sued Drive-In Dons and the school, alleging that Drive-In Dons is engaging in illegal deceptive advertising of its foods and is not truthful to customers. Further, the lawsuit states that the restaurant purposely fails to provide consumers details of the ingredients of its food products. Research consumer protection laws and regulations, using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Based on the facts of the case and research, write an analytical paper (approximately 4-5 pages). In the paper, respond to the following questions: Do George and Mary have a case? What are their strongest legal arguments? Explain. What defense(s), if any, do the school and the restaurant have? Explain. Can the government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) help the plaintiffs in any way? Explain. Write a 4-5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. By Wednesday, October 28, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Evaluated and explained the legal and ethical aspects of the case. 35 Determined and explained the role administrative agencies may play in this case. 35 Applied the legal principles to the facts to describe potential outcomes 15 Supported statements with reasons and research. 10 Applied APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references. 5 Total: 100

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