What are the main barriers that prevent nurses from assuming responsibility to “lead change

 Write one short term and one long term goal for  nursing diagnosis.
November 15, 2021
“A person’s view of health influences their behaviour in relation to health and illness” (Berman et al., 2015, p. 334). Identify two (2) factors that can influence a person’s view on health and illness, discuss why these are relevant to nursing practice
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What are the main barriers that prevent nurses from assuming responsibility to “lead change

What are the main barriers that prevent nurses from assuming responsibility to “lead change and advance health” in today’s health care environment?

what are the main barriers that prevent nurses from assuming responsibility to “lead change and advance health” in today’s health care environment? Read the two Future of Nursing documents in “doc sharing” of our course shell,
Question 1:
In your opinion, what are the main barriers that prevent nurses from assuming responsibility to “lead change and advance health” in today’s health care environment? Please provide an answer that is concise but specific, using examples from your clinical practice if possible.

Question 2:
Focus your attention on the second key message contained in the Future of Nursing report Brief document: “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.” Choose one of the themes in this section and share your specific ideas for how we can address: 1) improving the nurse education system, 2) increasing collaboration and education with physicians and other health care professionals, or 3) promoting diversity in the nursing workforce. Be creative!

Please clearly label your answers as “Question 1” and “Question 2”.

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