What are the follow-up testing and treatment recommendations by the NCEP Adult treatment panel?

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What are the follow-up testing and treatment recommendations by the NCEP Adult treatment panel?

What are the follow-up testing and treatment recommendations by the NCEP Adult treatment panel?

Examin the following lipid panel and answere the questions.

Lipid Profile

Patient Result

Reference Range



<200 mg/dL

HDL Cholesterol


29-75 mg/dL



<250 mg/dL

1. Given the above information, what is Mike’s LDL cholesterol? Based on his LDLC, is he at high risk for coronary heart disease, moderate risk, or within the recommended range?

2. If Mike’s triglycerides were 450 mg/dL, could the LDL be calculated? Why or why not?

2. a) What would be the next step?

3. List eight risk factors associated with CHD as determined by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel.

4. How many risk factors does Mike presently have, given the information provided? Is he at high risk for CHD?

5. What are the follow-up testing and treatment recommendations by the NCEP Adult treatment panel?

6. List at least three types of drugs used to treat this condition and their affect (how they work and what they lower or decrease).

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