What are the aims and relevance of the organization to nursing practice?

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What are the aims and relevance of the organization to nursing practice?

What are the aims and relevance of the organization to nursing practice?

Professional Nursing Organization Visit any professional nursing organization’s web site of your choice. What are the aims and relevance of the organization to nursing practice? Identify the process outlined for a nursing student or a new nurse to become a member of the organization. Analyze the benefits of membership in the chosen organization. Select and discuss with an example, one particular benefit that will appeal to you as a new nurse. Support your position with references from your textbook and at least one peer reviewed journal (not online). Adhere to the specifications of the undergraduate scholarly paper grading rubrics. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, with Times New Roman, 12 font size in APA format and limited to 7 pages including title and reference pages. Paper must be logically arranged with introduction, body, and summary. Include purpose in introduction. Subsections and paragraphs reflect the main idea.

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