What are five leading factors that determine health in low-and middle income countries, and how do they differ from those found in high-income countries?

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What are five leading factors that determine health in low-and middle income countries, and how do they differ from those found in high-income countries?

Be specific and directly to the point. Make sure the questions answered are clear and precise.
5 page
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the social, political, economic and environmental challenges that hinder improved health status on a global scale (P.G. 2 & 3) Choose question #1 or #2 to answer. Answer all parts (a, b, c)
1. Why are some people healthy and some people not healthy? Whether or not people are healthy depends on a large number of factors, many of which are interconnected (Skolnik, 2012).
a) What are five leading factors that determine health in low-and middle income countries, and how do they differ from those found in high-income countries?
b) Explain four reasons for health and/or healthcare disparities worldwide.
c) Explain how knowledge of major determinants of health is an essential foundation for anyone interested in designing effective development strategies for global health.
For question 1, pls see the additional information I attached
Canadian Nurses association position statement (2009)

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