.What actions are indicated to maximize therapeutic effects? 8.What actions are indicated to minimize adverse effects?

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.What actions are indicated to maximize therapeutic effects? 8.What actions are indicated to minimize adverse effects?

Dysrrhythmias Teaching Plan Use the following scenario to answer the following questions: Scenario: Peter Richardson is a 62-year-old male with a history of hypertension, which he has largely controlled over the last 4 years with lifestyle modifications, and mild cardiac dysrhythmias with repetitive paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). He states that he is feeling well but is in the office for a check on his cardiac medication. He states that he stopped his habit of drinking a small glass of prune juice every morning, because last time he was here the nurse told him that it was high in potassium and it could raise his blood levels of potassium, which would be problematic with his condition. He now feels like he is continually constipated and is uncomfortable. Data obtained from the nursing assessment include the following: ?Vital signs: temperature, 98.2°F; pulse, 66 and regular; respiration, 20 and regular; blood pressure, 130/84 ?Lungs clear to auscultation ?Heart sounds within normal limits ?Bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants; abdomen nontender to palpation ?Complaints of constipation ?Denies headache, dizziness, or palpitations or feeling of racing or stopping heartbeats ?Alert, oriented × 3 (person, place, and time) The patient is currently on verapamil, 80 mg q8h, and aspirin, one low-dose “baby” aspirin qd. 1.Why is Mr. Richardson on these drugs? 2.How do these drugs work together to address Mr. Richardson’s underlying pathologic conditions? 3.What patient variables are most important to consider for Mr. Richardson when assessing his drug therapy? 4.Are there any aspects of core drug knowledge that are especially relevant to consider because they may interact with the core patient variables? 5.Which findings from the nursing assessment demonstrate the effectiveness of drug therapy? 6.Which findings from the nursing assessment demonstrate possible adverse effects from drug therapy? 7.What actions are indicated to maximize therapeutic effects? 8.What actions are indicated to minimize adverse effects? 9.What teaching is required for Mr. Richardson regarding his drug therapy? Do you need any additional data to determine appropriate teaching? Please when answering this assignment do not use any online source to help with the answers. Please use: Drug Therapy in Nursing, Fourth Edition by Diane S. Aschenbrenner and Samantha J. Venable. The chapter that can help with this assignment is Chapter 31″ Drugs Affecting Cardiac Rhythm, Pg. 607-635. Again only use this reference book as a source to help with this answer and also when referencing within the text type the page number where that information is found.

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