Summarize the education of advanced practice nurses.

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Summarize the education of advanced practice nurses.

Summarize the education of advanced practice nurses.

Answer the following questions providing references and using APA format. No plagiarism, paper will be check using turnitin.
1. Advanced Practice Nursing (50 Points)
a. Provide three definitions of advanced practice nursing (APN).
b. Summarize the education of advanced practice nurses. What are the recommended curriculum requirements?
c. Describe competencies of APN in general, and for FNP advanced practice
nurses; what are the differences?
d. Identify and summarize the four APN specialties.
2. Concept Analysis (50 Points)
a. Provide three theoretical definitions of the concept you have chosen to analyze.
b. Provide two operational definitions of the concept you have chosen to analyze.
c. Develop the definition you will use as the basis for your paper based on your review of the literature (conceptual definitions in ‘a’).
3. Role (50 Points)
a. Describe each of the five levels of proficiency discussed by Benner.
b. Discuss your self- evaluation of your level of proficiency and provide examples to support your evaluation.
4. Certification Requirements (50)
a. List the eligibility requirements to take the certification examination for Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP).
b. Identify areas in the Department of Nursing curriculum that allow students to meet the requirements for the FNP certification examination

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