Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. 2-Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument.

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Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. 2-Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument.

Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. 2-Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument.



Nursing Research Methods: Measurements

Part One: Please begin by responding to the following questions.

1. What factors must a researcher consider in selecting an existing instrument for use in a study?

2. How does a researcher locate an existing instrument?

Part Two:

1-Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. 2-Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument.

3- Include a brief discussion of data collection procedures that will be presented in your proposal.

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