Reflect on and explain how your participation in this course contributed to your achievement of the freshman level program outcome for leadership/interdisciplinary teamwork.

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Reflect on and explain how your participation in this course contributed to your achievement of the freshman level program outcome for leadership/interdisciplinary teamwork.

Reflect on and explain how your participation in this course contributed to your achievement of the freshman level program outcome for leadership/interdisciplinary teamwork.

Reflective paper: PURPOSE: Reflect on learning and professional growth. DIRECTIONS: Write a one to two page reflective paper using APA style. Reflect on and explain how your participation in this course contributed to your achievement of the freshman level program outcome for leadership/interdisciplinary teamwork (Please see the leadership/interdisciplinary freshmen level outcome below: LEADERSHIP / INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAMWORK      Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior/BS Outcome   Develop beginning leadership skills for the delivery of safe and effective care. Prioritize the delivery of safe and effective care for patients with various levels of healthcare needs. Demonstrate beginning leadership skills as a team member in the delivery of safe and effective patient care. Collaborate with the interdisciplinary team in the delivery of patient-centered care in complex healthcare environments.     The goal for this paper will be for you to develop beginning leadership skills for the delivery of safe and effective care. Please respond to the questions below when writing your reflective paper: • What does this level outcome for leadership/interdisciplinary teamwork mean?

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