Provide 2 citations (meaning in text) with references that should match the in-text citations (

Explain.What criminal activities result from this drug trafficking? Explain.Research the Colombian drug cartel.
July 12, 2022
What nursing interventions would you utilize to help both the elderly woman and the grandson?
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Provide 2 citations (meaning in text) with references that should match the in-text citations (

Decisions to achieve specific goals in healthcare are made based on politics (healthcare reform), cost ( insurance…), scope/

standard of nursing practice, hospital/unit or missing policies (where you might identify the need in practice)…. For this

assignment, share a nursing situation in which policies have helped or interfered (if no policy exists, suggest one) in the way you

practice as a compassionate nurse with conscience.
General Instructions
Since this assignment is worth 125 points, be sure to address what is requested.
1. Identified or suggested policy (10) and then explain the active or needed policy (20);
2. The nursing practice situation indicating how policy interferes/supports how you practice [30 points] as a compassionate nurse

with a conscience as understood in the FAU College of Nursing philosophy (20) grammar (10).
3. Provide 2 citations (meaning in text) with references that should match the in-text citations (10 points).
4. Attach it as an APA document with separate title page (10 points) and separate reference page
5. Use yellow highlight for the essential headings eg. Identified policy OR suggested policy… (5 points)
The end product should be 5 pages.

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