. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation

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August 2, 2022
Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation.
August 2, 2022
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. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation

You are a chief administrative officer for a large nonprofit health relief organization. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues and how to solve the health needs of an African country. Your organization has limited funding and will need to obtain subsidized medicine from major pharmaceutical companies. Your organization also has the opportunity to get non-generic non-USDA approved alternative stem cell derived medication from foreign sources. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation. Consider the various economic political moral and health impacts for the United States citizens who may have some of the health medication diverted to the African nation. In your report reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial legal and alternative health care models. In addition reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials


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