Outline why an implementation project faces many challenge on implementation

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Outline why an implementation project faces many challenge on implementation

Outline why an implementation project faces many challenge on implementation

An implementation project can face many challenges. A recommended approach for any implementation to achieve success is the incorporation of agility concept into the project process. Agility entailed flexibility, adaptation, continuous learning as part of the implementation process. For this EBP project, these challenges included many staff members participating in the educational program without completing demographic data sheet, cover letter or did not complete the pre-questionnaire MTQK. Due to the time constraint of the nursing home staff, the PI completed more individual sessions than anticipated. The IT nurse in charge of the projector and other electronic devices resigned. Therefore, some of the group educational sessions were rescheduled. One of the primary stakeholders the director of nursing is leaving within 30 days. She requested a transfer to an another facility . There was time interference with management meeting and the educational program causing reschedule of sessions; the implementation was extended by on more week.

[Doas, Mic1],

[Doas, Mic2]Vacation or job change? Details are important, you don’t want the reader to make inferences

[Carmelle 3]Job change

[Doas, Mic4]Ok, I got ahead of myself!

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