o Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.

Identify examples of active and latent errors. Provide examples from your clinical experience, if possible. How can such errors be avoided to support better patient care?
February 15, 2022
Write a 2-page paper in which you compare and contrast the functions and features of each clinical system vendor’s product. If given the opportunity, which product would a clinical user choose? Why?
February 15, 2022
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o Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.

Pick a type of cancer to research. Find articles that answer questions concerning your chosen type of cancer. This
assignment will help you to organize the sources you will use in the Unit V Research Paper. An annotated bibliography
consists of two parts: the reference citation in APA format, followed by the summary for that reference.
• Your sources should address the following topics, which will be included in the Unit V Research Paper:
o Define cancer.
o Describe the type of cancer you selected.
o Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.
o Discuss treatment options, including medicines/alternative treatments.
o Discuss causes/risk factors.
o Include the incidence rate or statistics.
o Explain the resources you would use if you or someone you knew had this type of cancer.
o Discuss what you can do to help the fight against cancer.
o Include any other interesting facts.
• Create an annotated bibliography following the structure given in the example:
o Click here for the annotated bibliography example.
o Find four to six current sources (published within the last five years).

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