Neurosciences ICU Custom Essay

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Neurosciences ICU Custom Essay

Neurosciences ICU Custom Essay

During my years of study to earn a Bachelor Degree in Nursing, I always was interesting in finish my career because had in mind that the best part of a nurse profession is how we can always help patients and family as well, and with that said, I really wanted to always go further in my career, and learn more and more to be able to put in practice what my knowledge are, showing that we as nurses are human, but if we place an e at the end word human, make us be who really nurses are HUMANE and this is one of the most influence word we all have to have in place at time of care for a human, have to be humane. After all this I have decided to expand my nursing career at higher level and because I like to keep in contact with patient care I look out to become a Advance Registered Nurse Practitioner.

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