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make strategic objective and explain how it could be facilitated through the use of a data warehouse.

make strategic objective and explain how it could be facilitated through the use of a data warehouse.

Facilitate the use of enterprise-wide information assets to support organizational Strategies and objectives.


An information asset is a body of information that is defined and managed as a standalone, single unit that can be shared and exploited to the organization’s benefit. It is referred to as an asset because it has financial value to the organization. Enterprise wide information assets that are common to large health care organizations include billing systems, EHR/EMR, master patient index, clinical automation systems, patient Portals, personal health records, telemedicine, health information exchange (HIE), clinical applications (lab, pharmacy), etc. The enterprise data warehouse (EDW) is a repository of high-value data from different information assets and corporate systems/applications. The data contained in an EDW can be integrated for many strategic uses across the enterprise. Strategic objectives might include activities and initiatives designed to improve quality, safety, cost, productivity, etc.

To complete

Conduct research into the topic of data warehousing in health care organizations and then answer the following: 1. List the benefits of an EDW to a healthcare organization. 2. make strategic objective and explain how it could be facilitated through the use of a data warehouse. 3. Select two (2) information assets from the list above. Through a data warehouse, analyze and demonstrate how data from those two assets could be used to accomplish the identified strategic objective.

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