identify the authors of the guideline and describe how the guideline was developed.

Describes an intervention that would need to happen to meet the goals.
May 9, 2022
Discuss some of the reasons why a claim may be rejected.
May 9, 2022
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identify the authors of the guideline and describe how the guideline was developed.

identify the authors of the guideline and describe how the guideline was developed.

Provide a Working Link to the Clinical Guideline.


Describe the quality of the clinical guideline

 Identify the authors of the guideline and describe how the guideline was developed.

 Address the credentials and credibility of the developers of the guideline.

 Analyze the quality of the research base supporting the guideline, best practice, or

bundle since it was published. What new research has been published in support of the


Provide a summary of the current best evidence for use in practice

 Identify the best evidence that supports the standardized guideline, best practice, or

bundle. (The research that has been completed that provides the evidence that supports

the guideline, best practice, or bundle). Identified from references of the guideline, best

practice, or bundle chosen.

 Briefly summarize at least SIX (6) research articles providing this support. (3 each) Look

for meta-analyses, integrative reviews of research, clinical trials, and quasi-experimental

studies related to the chosen topic.

 Utilize the evidence table to identify the levels of evidence each research study

represents. Utilize the following chart to determine the level of evidence:

Updated: August 2012 MN504 – Unit 9 Page 2 of 3

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