Identify at least two important findings, ideas, or theories in the article, Explain why the two ideas/findings were selected and how this information helped you learn more about the selected topic.

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Identify at least two important findings, ideas, or theories in the article, Explain why the two ideas/findings were selected and how this information helped you learn more about the selected topic.

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Paper should discuss and review what you learned from reading this article. Limit any quoted material. Instead interpret in your own words what was learned from the author. I still need to cite information from the article (so if you restate something the author stated in the article you would cite the information source) as indicated in APA format. I will forward to you the article and the rubric.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Instructions and Rubric

Nursing 220


Find an article from the list of Nursing Journals (attached) that has been written in the last 5 years, and preferably is not a research study. The article selected should discuss an area of patient care or nursing and identify one or more of the Nursing Concepts taught at Charity School of Nursing and it must be approved with a signature by your current clinical instructor. Your paper should discuss and review what you learned from reading this article. Limit any quoted material and instead interpret in your own words what you learned from the author. You still need to cite information from the article (so if you restate something the author stated in the article you would cite the information source) as indicated in APA format. There are many resources available on the internet to help you in using APA.

Identify at least two important findings, ideas, or theories in the article, Explain why the two ideas/findings were selected and how this information helped you learn more about the selected topic.

The paper must follow APA guidelines using a font size of 12, Times New Roman, presence of a title page, a reference page and must include in-text citations. The body of the paper must be

2 ½ – 3 pages in length. You must include a copy of the article with your paper (the one with the instructor’s signature noting their approval of your article).

You must submit a copy of the article to VeriCite and include their report along with the paper submission. This will give you an opportunity to identify any plaigarized information and to correct it prior to submitting for grading of content. You have been assigned two activities in Canvas to help you understand how VeriCite works, these are also part of the grade so make sure to complete them,

You must also submit your paper to Net Tutor which is an online resource for students to have their paper reviewed by expert tutors for grammar, spelling, and sentence construction etc. Print the reviewed paper and submit with your final assignment. Use the information to make corrections to your paper.

Papers submitted after the deadline will not be graded and the student will receive no points.

(Grade=0 which= Unsatisfactory in one clinical week).

Use the rubric as a guideline for your grade.

Examples of Possible Grade Outcomes:

100 = Satisfactory

90 = Satisfactory

80 = Satisfactory

70 = Unsatisfactory

60 = Unsatsifactory

*If the paper is unsatisfactory in the initial grading, one attempt will be given to correct the errors for a satisfactory rating.

*Yes, there is a possibility of zero points if the rubric is not followed.

Article Choice Excellent25 Points Good20 Points Fair10 points Unacceptable0 Points
Article submitted is current (< 5 years) and published in one of the nursing journals on the list providedArticle accurate reflection of the topic. Article chosen must be approved/signed by current instructor Article older than 5 years; or paper topic does not reflect information in the article. Article published in listed nursing journal. Article chosen approved/signed by an instructor Article is somewhat related to nursing and/or is outdated ( > 7 yrs). Article not from acceptable source or is a research paper.Article not approved by an instructor (any of the above) Article is not or barely related to nursing or grossly outdated, and/or not from acceptable source.Article was not submitted with the report. (any of the above)
Paper review Excellent20 points Good15 points Fair10 points Unacceptable0 points
VeriCite and Net Tutor done, and used to correct plaigarism and correct grammatical errors VeriCite and/or Net Tutor done and information used to make some corrections in either plaigarism or grammar VeriCite and /or Net Tutor done but no corrections made to paper based on the information provided; or no documentation of use of either program Neither VeriCite or Net tutor used, or no documentation of their use, no evidence of corrections for grammar or plaigarized content
Organization Excellent30 Points Good25 Points Fair15 points Unacceptable5 Points
Met all objectives of identifying content in the article. Paper includes introduction, body and conclusion The paper is organized and shows evidence of using information in the article. Has an intro, body, & conclusion.Two objectives met successfully. Paper is not well organized or has an unclear or non-existent intro., body, and conclusion. Does not reflect information in the article. One objective met successfully Paper is not well organized, has non existent introduction, body, and conclusion. No objectives met.
Format Excellent25 Points Good20 Points Fair10 Points Unacceptable5 Points
Cover, reference page, and body of paper appropriately APA formated with few grammatical errors. Met the requirements of at least 2½-3 pages (body) using 12 Font New Times Roman.. In-text citing appropriate, APA format, with > 3-6 spelling/grammatical errors< 2 or >3 page length, font > 12
Did not format reference page or cover page using APA format.

(any of the above)

Lacked appropriate in-text citing orAPA, page length requirements, and font size are not met. There are > 7 spelling/ grammatical errors throughout the paper.

(any of the above)

No in-text citing and/or has greater than 8 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Incorrectly formatted or absence of reference and/or cover sheet.

(any of the above)

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