How you would improve equitable access to eye health care in Saudi Arabia using the Leveque model of access to health care?

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How you would improve equitable access to eye health care in Saudi Arabia using the Leveque model of access to health care?

How you would improve equitable access to eye health care in Saudi Arabia using the Leveque model of access to health care?

Q/ how you would improve equitable access to eye health care in Saudi Arabia using the Leveque model of access to health care? (discussion 3-4 pages)

You could structure it like a report:

– define “inequity, eye care in Saudi Arabia(SA) summary of how eye care services are organised in Saudi Arabia now, define the Levesque model
– discuss how you think the Levesque model could be implemented into the SA service and how it would benefit and make it equitable for the population in SA, outline the positive and negative parts of the Levesque model FOR SA
– summaries how you concluded that the model would succeed in SA by making eye care equitable.

Levesque was CEO of the Bureau of Health Information but was promoted internally to CEO of Agency for Clinical Innovation when Dr Nigel Lyons was promoted to an Assistant Secretary position.

Bureau of Health Information – Dr Jean-Frederic Levesque
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