How would you apply key concepts of diffusion theory to ensure successful diffusion of your innovation?

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How would you apply key concepts of diffusion theory to ensure successful diffusion of your innovation?

In the article by Des Jarlais et al. (2006), the authors describe how syringe exchange programs have been adopted much slower than the DARE program. Compare and contrast other attributes of these two innovations (besides relative advantage) that may have contributed to the different rates of adoption. Think of an health-related innovation that you would like to have implemented. What is your target population? Who would be the change agents and innovators? How would you apply key concepts of diffusion theory to ensure successful diffusion of your innovation? Think of an innovation in health that has been successfully diffused or one that has not been successful. Why do you think the innovation was (or was not) adopted? Discuss this in terms of attributes of the innovation, attributes of the adopters, attributes of the environment, and/or the method used for diffusion -Please answer in THREE SEPaRATE PARAGRAPHS respectively!!! Use this book as the main source!! Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K. (Eds). (2008). Health Education and Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice (4th edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Please I need question one first before Wednesday. Question 2,3 can wait till Friday. –

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