how many tutees they ( pharmacist tutors) have per year

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how many tutees they ( pharmacist tutors) have per year

pre-registration tutors views on the undergraduate pharmacist training of their current pre-registration pharmacist
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there is no option on your page for 1.5 spacing. it should be 1.5 between lines ( not single or double)
Proposal should be based on background of General Pharmaceutical council environment information related to this topic and following the information below.
1) pre-registration tutors views on the undergraduate pharmacist training of their current pre-registration pharmacist tutees
a) are they much competent?
b) are they professional?
c) they have good communication skills?
how confident they are for over the counter medications supply
d) are they much confident in dispensing
f)how are they good
g)how they been qualified
h) how many tutees they ( pharmacist tutors) have per year
looking for the teaching methods and understanding of the tutees.
2) 4-5 pages are introduction and background to the study followed by the aim and objectives or research questions the last page should outlined the methodology and references.
In methodology please talk about demographic table the data collection from targeting 200 Pharmacies by distributing questioner and interviewing pre- registration tutors.

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