How is health informatics changing healthcare operations and patient care?

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How is health informatics changing healthcare operations and patient care?

Each student will select and make arrangements to interview a clinical informatics expert, using the following questions. You may augment the interview by adding you own questions as appropriate. Please provide the interview questions to the interviewee before the scheduled time so they can mentally prepare a response.

Visit the following website and imagine we were creating a clinical informatics video library for Jacksonville. You are the producer, director, and editor. We will create a virtual video library in Canvas.

AMIA Sample Video Libraries (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Required Interview Questions
•In your own words, how would you describe the field of health informatics to someone who is not familiar?
•Why do you think it is an interesting time to enter the health informatics field?
•How is health informatics changing healthcare operations and patient care?
•Given the growing concern about hackers and security breaches, what types of protocols are in place to help ensure that patient information is safe?
•Are there any particular technologies that you are excited about? If so, why?
•How has the Affordable Care Act’s mandate for electronic medical records affected the field of health informatics?
•In your opinion, what does the future hold for health informatics?
•What types of qualities and skills may be beneficial to a career in health informatics?
•What are the most challenging and gratifying aspects of your work, and why?
•Do you have any advice for students who are thinking of pursuing their advanced degrees in the health informatics field?
Here is an example of interview questions and responses for the same questions in a blog format: to an external site.)Links to an external site.

You may use various technology and formats to present the information.
•Imagine you were a reporter doing the interview ?You may make a video with snippets of the interview
?You may use PowerPoint, Emaze, Prezi, Windows Movie Maker, Apple video tool, or other tool with voiceover
?See posted example

•Several free video maker tools and apps are readily available
•Be creative and have fun with this assignment!

You are presenting to an informatics expert. Ask them to join in the fun or share some ideas of how they would like their interview presented

Download the full details and rubricPreview the document.

Using the Submit Assignment button, upload your presentation in Canvas by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

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