.How does the DNA deletion manifest as physical symptoms i.e. production of a thicker mucous causing respiratory difficulties and infection?

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.How does the DNA deletion manifest as physical symptoms i.e. production of a thicker mucous causing respiratory difficulties and infection?

Diana an aging actress was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Further tests and a biopsy revea Show more Diana an aging actress was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Further tests and a biopsy revealed that her cancerous cells contained an integral protein receptor. Activation of this receptor by an extracellular ligand increases cell growth and mitosis. The tests also revealed that her cancer cells contained very high level of mRNA that coded for this membrane receptor. 1. Hypothetically to treat her cancer we could inhibit the cells ribosomes. How would this work? Dylan a 13 year old boy suffering with cystic fibrosis which results from a genetic sequence deletion. 1.How does the DNA deletion manifest as physical symptoms i.e. production of a thicker mucous causing respiratory difficulties and infection? Show less

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