How does Everyday Use reveal the differences – and sometimes tensions – between art and craft?

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How does Everyday Use reveal the differences – and sometimes tensions – between art and craft?

read the short story Everyday Use Preview the document by Alice Walker, then answer ONE of the following prompts in essay format. Your essay should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and free from grammatical errors. Provide a thesis statement, write in complete sentences, and organize your paper in multiple (at least 2) body paragraphs. 1) How does Everyday Use reveal the differences – and sometimes tensions – between art and craft? What characters, attitudes, and/or concepts are associated with each in the story? How do these relate to the debates about art vs. craft that you’ve learned about in this unit? How do they relate to your own stereotypes or preconceived ideas about art and craft? 2) Everyday Use reinforces the importance of quilting, as a historic form of creativity and expression for African-American women, that is also seen in Faith Ringgold’s work. Explain the role that identity (racial, gender, etc.) has historically played in determining whether a work should be characterized as art or craft, and describe how Ringgold’s own identity has influenced her choice of medium and subject matter.

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