Gendered health disparities

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Gendered health disparities

April 25, 2019 Off All,

Gendered health disparities

Here is the feedback of the proposal(see attached file) The topic of gendered health disparities is an important one. Men and women have different health experiences, for example, different rates of chronic illness and various mental conditions. For this paper, you will need to craft a thesis that focuses on the social causes of specific gendered health outcomes. Your research should focus on social, rather than biological forces that contribute to these outcomes (given the scope/requirements of the course). You will need to do additional research to determine the social forces that have been linked to these disparate outcomes. In your thesis, clearly state the variables (social force and outcome) that will be the focus of your paper. You will make recommendations based upon the research that you identify. You should describe the recommendation, including where and how it can be implemented. Use the research to explain/justify your social policy recommendations.

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