Explore the two moral/ethical principles you aim to discuss and explain their impact on the healthcare.

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Explore the two moral/ethical principles you aim to discuss and explain their impact on the healthcare.

Effective team work and Communication in health care proffision
Order Description
All students are required to submit an assignment for this module
Word count 1500 (+/- 5%)
Choose one of the assignment titles listed below
Submission date 15th January 2015 1600 hours
o Unless a support plan is in place allowing for late submission or a PMC for late submission is accepted assignments submitted after this date and time will incur a late penalty ( in accordance with University procedure)
For referencing guidelines please visit http://www.resources.fhsc.salford.ac.uk/referencing/
Question 1
Select any two factors which must be considered by a HCP and discuss how they enable the HCP to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals
Guidelines for submission of the ICPP assignment
To assist with this assignment some suggestions for discussion have been included. It is NOT expected that you work through the entire list but rather USE THE IDEAS presented to help focus your reading on the two areas you select and then develop your individual discussion.
Effective team work or inter-professional working
Patient/client-centred care- patient empowerment
Ethics as a fundamental aspect of health care
Confidentiality and consent
Understanding people- health psychology/ Health behaviour/ Managing change
Communication/listening/interview skills
In order to answer this question you need to first the define your topics e.g. team working / communication/
Begin your essay by writing an introduction outlining what will be discussed in the body of the essay. Make sure that your introduction maintains a focus on the essay remit.
In the body of your essay you could consider taking each of the two areas independently and discuss their impact on health and wellbeing.
Finally conclude by drawing all the main points of the essay together and summarise the impact of these on health and wellbeing of the individual.
Question 2
Select two moral or ethical principles and discuss how they could impact on the delivery of healthcare.
Guidelines for submission of the ICPP assignment
In order to answer this question you need to first the define notion of ethical or moral principles
Explore the two moral/ethical principles you aim to discuss and explain their impact on the healthcare.
You may choose to discuss this in relation to :
o The service user
o The carers
o The NHS as an organisation.
o You could choose one two or all three. The impact might be different on each of these three.
Begin your essay by writing an introduction outlining what will be discussed in the body of the essay. Make sure that your introduction maintains a focus on the essay remit.
In the body of your essay you could consider taking each of the two moral principles independently and discuss their impact on the service user/ the carer/ the NHS (depending on which aspect you have decided to explore).
Finally conclude by drawing all the main points of the essay together and summarise the impact of these of the moral/ethical principles

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