Explain why your implementation plan will achieve the intended outcomes for your target population.

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Explain why your implementation plan will achieve the intended outcomes for your target population.

Explain why your implementation plan will achieve the intended outcomes for your target population.

For this Assignment, which you began in Week 7, you are going to create an implementation plan for your public health program. In order to create your plan, you need to determine which setting is most appropriate for your public health program. You also need to consider your target population and the steps you would take to implement your program. For this Assignment, it will be helpful to review the “Implement” section of the MAP-IT Model in the Learning Resources (Wu kitsch, 2012) to create your plan.

Submit a 4- to 5-page paper in which you do the following:

Explain how you might implement your APP in each of four settings (health care, community, school, and workplace).
Identify which participants (stakeholders, target populations) you might involve in each setting and explain why.
Explain which of the four settings is most appropriate for your APP and why.
Describe the steps that you might use to implement your program in your selected setting.
Explain why your implementation plan will achieve the intended outcomes for your target population.

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