Explain the similarities between the three developmental theories.

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Explain the similarities between the three developmental theories.

Assessment Instructions


View the multimedia piece, Profile of Hakira Yilmaz, linked in the Required Resources for this assessment.


Imagine you and two colleagues constitute a team of training and development specialists for a school district. In a team meeting, you bring in a case for discussion. Each team member has a personal theoretical framework, based on either Piaget, Vygotsky, or Erickson, and promotes their point of view during the conversation.


Write a transcript of the hypothetical professional conversation. Each person takes the view of a theorist: Piaget, Vygotsky, or Erickson, as they discuss the case study of Hakira Yilmaz, an 8-year-old girl.

Identify the factors in the profile that influence learning.
Describe the main stages for each theory.
Explain the similarities between the three developmental theories.
Explain the differences between the three developmental theories.
Analyze potential implications each theory might have when teaching or working with the student in the case study.
Include in-text references and a final reference page.
Additional Requirements

Written communication: Writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length: 5–6 pages.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA manual style and formatting.
References: A paper of this length should include in-text scholarly references. At the graduate level, you are responsible for determining the appropriate number of references. The majority of them should be original research articles published in peer-reviewed psychology journals (for example, those journals published by the APA). A few review or survey articles are also acceptable.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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