Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the challenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies?

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the group decision-making process for this scenario. Include at least two references.
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Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the challenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies?

Health Care Environment & Systems Paper

Select a health care environment or delivery system and explores the issues related to that particular environment (military, long-term care, acute care systems, etc.). Introduce the organization/facility selected, the accreditation status, and the average daily census, services provided, the community it serves. How does this organization fit into the US health system? How does health policy impact this facility? Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the challenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies? Explain how the Affordable Care Act impacts the organization/facility.

This paper needs to follow APA guidelines, double-spaced and includes headings and should be 8-12 pages (not including the title page and reference page). A minimum of eight current (less than five years) references from peer-reviewed journals are required.

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