Explain the basic principles and tools of budget and resource management

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Explain the basic principles and tools of budget and resource management

Explain the basic principles and tools of budget and resource management

Here is what ASSIGNMNET needs to have, please address all these points, as the 5-6 pages MUST contain all the points required below. I have attached all Resources, and the FINAL PROJECT topic so you can tie in this Assignmnet within the SAME TOPIC:


· 1) Explain the basic principles and tools of budget and resource management ( you can take this from ch 9 of the book I attached in here, PLEASE PARAPHRASE EVREYTHING, do not copy-paste!!!)


2) Describe two specific examples of principles and/or tools that relate to your selected public health project. You must support why you are using these tools and principles and describe how they will be used to address your selected public health leadership issue

· 3) Explain the funding issues related to your selected public health project, including whether these issues are long- or short-term, how urgent they are, and state which stakeholders might be most affected and why


· 4) Based on the Learning Resources and your research, as well as the information included in the budget worksheet, recommend some potential funding sources and explain why you recommend them. In your explanation, include variations in funding and how these variations influenced your decision making

· 5) Complete the provided budget worksheet indicating the funding opportunities and costs related to the chosen project and copy it into an appendix at the end of the paper



Shi, L., & Johnson, J. A. (2014). Novick and Morrow’s public health administration: Principles for population-based management  (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 9, “Public Health Finance” (pp. 181–199) —–>I  copied and ATTACHED THIS CHAPTER in the word doc


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