Explain the anticipated long-term implications of the campaign.

Discuss your assessment of whether or not your business service is likely to be successful.
July 24, 2022
Explain the anticipated long-term implications of the campaign. Effectiveness (2.5 points): Explain how you will determine effectiveness.
July 24, 2022
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Explain the anticipated long-term implications of the campaign.

Written Campaign Proposal Child Development is a field of study that covers different aspects of biological, mental, cognitive, and physical development of children. Within the field of Child Development, campaigns are often created as an effort to inform audiences about a specific issue, achieve a particular goal, or help support the development of an objective. Funding to support campaigns is generally awarded based on campaign proposals. Therefore, for this final assignment you will create a proposal that addresses a specific topic. This assignment builds on your learning throughout the course and expands your thinking about the course’s enduring understandings and essential questions, which are explored further in the Instructor Guidance for this course in Week Five and prior weeks as well.
Instructions Read the following scenario and list of topics presented below and choose a child development topic that is important to you. Next, develop a campaign proposal that you might use in your current or future professional role. Please address each of the following content and written communication expectations provided with this assignment.
Scenario: A large non-profit organization in the United States is looking to fund a national Child Development Campaign that brings awareness to a topic of importance in the field of child development. You have been selected to apply for this opportunity and develop a campaign. Your goal for this assignment is to create a campaign that draws on the knowledge you have learned in ECE205.
Child Development Topics: Below are 10 child development topics to consider for this project. Remember to select one topic for your assignment.
Bullying (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Let’s Play (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Let’s Move (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. National Child & Maternal Health Education Program (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Safe Infant Sleep (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Safe Kids (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Childhood Vaccinations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Youth Development (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Content Expectations/Content Criteria It is recommended that you create a document section heading for each of the content expectations sections stated below placing them between the introduction and conclusion sections of your paper. Include smooth transitions between sections and paragraphs in your paper and consult the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for assistance if needed.
Proposal Information Summary (2 points): Summarize the mission of the campaign and the contribution to the field of child development. Relevance (2 points): Explain your rationale for the development of this campaign and why it is relevant to you as a professional. Theoretical Lens (2 points): Discuss why the campaign topic is relevant to a specific age and stage. Use theories of child development to support your rationale. Campaign Purpose Proposal Overview (2 points): Discuss the historical, biological, environmental, and cultural influences that have impacted this campaign topic throughout the last 2 decades. Problem Statement (1 point): Explain why this campaign topic needs to be addressed and the importance it has on the developing child (physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive). Family/Community Impact (2 points): Explain how the campaign influences families and communities, using specific examples. Influences (2 points): Explain the cultural and environmental influences that may help or hinder implementation of the campaign. Rationale (1 point): Discuss why this campaign needs to be implemented and what possible consequences there may be if the topic is not addressed. Implementation Plan Process (2.5 points): Discuss the environments where this campaign will be implemented to nurture the physical, socio-emotional and cognitive growth of the children you will be working with. Implications (2.5 points): Explain the anticipated long-term implications of the campaign. Effectiveness (2.5 points): Explain how you will determine effectiveness. Include specifics about the type of evidence you will use to determine effectiveness. Written Communication Expectations

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