Explain nativist and empiricist theories of attachment. Critically appraise Bowlby’s theory of attachment and discuss the implications of the theories on child care and development.

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Explain nativist and empiricist theories of attachment. Critically appraise Bowlby’s theory of attachment and discuss the implications of the theories on child care and development.

Explain nativist and empiricist theories of attachment. Critically appraise Bowlby’s theory of attachment and discuss the implications of the theories on child care and development.
Access to HE: Assignment Brief Final Grade

Unit title(s): Developmental Psychology
Unit code(s): QU005854
Learner name:
Tutor/Assessor: Lynda Topp
Title of Assignment: Developmental psychology
Date handed out:21/2/18 Submission deadline:16/3/18 @4.30 Actual date submitted:
Formal Extension Request: Y/NExtension deadline:

Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agreed extension: Actual datesubmitted:
Resubmission Deadline (two working weeks after first submission returned) Date resubmission submitted: Date returned to student:Referral request? Y/N

Task guidance:
Task 1: Word count: 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Explain nativist and empiricist theories of attachment. Critically appraise Bowlby’s theory of attachment and discuss the implications of the theories on child care and development. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Task 2: Word count: 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Critically evaluate Piaget’s theory of Cognitive development, compare to types of play and assess the influence of Piaget’s theory in the development of early year’s environments. (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)

Successful completion of these two tasks will lead to achievement of A/C 1.1.

Grade Descriptor profile awarded for this assignment GD1 GD2 GD3 GD4 GD5 GD6 GD7
√ √ √
Learner declaration: I declare that all the work submitted for this unit is my own, and that where I have drawn on the work of others, I have referenced this in accordance with the College Policy



Assessment Information
Unit title:
Assessment Criteria.
This assignment addresses the following assessment criteria:
AC No Level Three
1.1 Evaluate the main area of developmental psychology, cognitive skills, personal, social.
2.1 Explain attachment theory in terms nativist theory, empiricist theory.
2.2 Critically appraise Bowlby’s research on attachment
Discuss the implications of these theories on child care and later development
3.1 Explain Piaget’s theory of development and describe the stages, sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational.
3.2 Critically evaluate Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
3.3 Critically compare Piaget’s theory to types of play.
3.4 Assess the influence of Piaget’s theory in the development of: play groups, nurseries, toys

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