Examine epidemiologic data (e.g., incidence, morbidity, and mortality rates) in your community (MAITLAND, FL) and identify major health problems. Think of ways in which a public health nurse could address these concerns.

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Examine epidemiologic data (e.g., incidence, morbidity, and mortality rates) in your community (MAITLAND, FL) and identify major health problems. Think of ways in which a public health nurse could address these concerns.

Examine epidemiologic data (e.g., incidence, morbidity, and mortality rates) in your community (MAITLAND, FL) and identify major health problems. Think of ways in which a public health nurse could address these concerns.
Please use these websites to obtain data that is specific to your community:
� County Health Rankings. (2012). Retrieved from https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
� US Census Bureau. (2012). American fact finder. Retrieved from https://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml
Include the following assessment details:
� Boundaries,
� Housing and Zoning,
� Open Space,
� Commons,
� Transportation,
� Social Services Centers,
� Stores,
� Street People and Animals,
� Condition of the Area,
� Race and Ethnicity,
� Religion,
� Health Indicators,
� Politics,
� Media,
� Business and Industry

BoundariesWhat defines the boundary of? Roads, water, railroads? Does the area have a name? A nickname?
Housing and zoningWhat is the age of the houses? What kind of materials in the construction? Describe the housing including space between them, general appearance and condition, and presence of central heating, air conditioning, and modern plumbing.
Open spaceDescribe the amount, condition, use of open space? Is the space used? Safe? Attractive?
CommonsWhere do people in the neighborhood hang out? Who hangs out there and what hours during the day?
TransportationHow do people get from one place to another? Public transportation and if so, what kind and how effective; How timely? Personal autos? Bikes, etc?
Social service centersDo you see evidence of recreation centers, parks, social services, offices of doctors, dentists, pharmacies
StoresWhere do residents shop? How do they get to the shops?
Do they have groceries or sources of fresh produce? Is this a �food desert�?
Street people and animalsWho do you see on the streets during the day? Besides the people, do you see animals? Are they loose or contained?
Condition of the areaIs the area well kept or is there evidence of trash, abandoned cars or houses? What kind of information is provided on the signs in the area?
Race and ethnicityWhat is the race of the people whom you see? What do you see about indices of ethnicity? Places of worship, food stores, restaurants? Are signs in English or other languages? (If the latter, which ones)?
ReligionWhat indications do you see about the types of religion residents practice?
Health indicatorsDo you see evidence of clinics, hospitals, mental illness, and/or substance abuse?
PoliticsWhat indicators do you see about politics? Posters, headquarters?
MediaDo you see indicators of what people read? If they watch television? Listen to the radio?
Business & industryWhat type of business climate exists? Manufacturers? Light or heavy industry? Large employers? Small business owners? Retail? Hospitality industry? Military installation? Do people have to seek employment elsewhere?
Adapted by J. Lancaster from: Mizrahi TM: School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA, September 1992; Stanhope MS, Knollmueller RN: Public and Community Health Nurse’s Consultant: A Health Promotion Guide, St. Louis, 1997, Mosby.

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