Evaluate the efforts YOU can take to address this issue.

Write a research paper of 5-6 pages of content without counting the title page and reference pages. It will contain3-4 peer reviewed articlesand6-7 other outside sources(credible websites or agencies).
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Evaluate the efforts YOU can take to address this issue.

For this discussion, you are asked to do the following:

Describe a significanat health issue in your community or state.
Compare its significance to the national priorities of Healthy People 2020 goals (is it a national priority or just one found in your state/community).
Explain what type of effort it will take to fully address it (leadership skills, financing, organizational buy-in, stakeholders, perceptions, barriers)
Evaluate the efforts YOU can take to address this issue. (As a public health practitioner, what is YOUR role such as: Will you develop, lead or be part of a public health program to address the issue? Will you work on financing, organizational buy-in, stakeholders…what are you going to do to address this concern?)

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