Does the role of a Community Matron effectivly Reduce Hospital Admissions in the UK

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Does the role of a Community Matron effectivly Reduce Hospital Admissions in the UK

Does the role of a Community Matron effectivly Reduce Hospital Admissions in the UK

Does the role of a Community Matron effectivly Reduce Hospital AdBackground information ONLY if required.order instructions I currently work as a community matron for the Rotherham Foundation Trust.I case manage patients with Long Term Conditions. Aim to case manage patients to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital. Approx 30 – 50 patients per case load. All CM are non medical prescriber’s with various backgrounds of knowledge and skills, some from District Nursing background, however mine is Emergency Care as Advanced Nurse Practitioner.missions in the UK………What We Offer:• On-time delivery guarantee• PhD-level professionals• Automatic plagiarism check• 100% money-back guarantee• 100% Privacy and Confidentiality• High Quality custom-written papers

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