Do not simply repackage these reports and sources into your papers.

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Do not simply repackage these reports and sources into your papers.

Position of women, education, & healthcare History and Political Science Project description Throughout the course of the semester, you will become specialized in one Middle Eastern country (including Palestine). Every few weeks, you will submit a 2 page (single-spaced) paper on your country based on an assigned topic. This includes an abstract (approx.. 200-250 words) at the beginning, summarizing your paper. These assignments are designed to combine research with analysis, so each paper must conclude with a section entitled, “Prospects for Improvement,” or “Future Trends.” You will also include a “Works Cited” page at the end. You will submit a total of 4 country-specialization papers throughout the semester. Your 4th paper is more cumulative, and will serve as your “final.” The 4th paper should be 3 pages (single-spaced) and is worth 20 pts.

All required reading should be completed when preparing to write your papers so that you can integrate relevant points/issues into your papers. Please indicate your paper # (1,2,3,4) on the front title page.

In addition to incorporating the required readings into your papers, you must use a minimum of three current articles, books, or government reports. “Current” means the work must have been published within the last three years. At least two of the three sources must be from scholarly sources (which we will discuss in class; also see: or from works published by international or domestic organizations, such as: United Nations (; World Bank (; Human Development Report; etc. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) also provides up to date information and a lot of statistics. You can also reference USAID Development Experiment Clearinghouse (
Do not simply repackage these reports and sources into your papers. Your papers should be a unique syntheses of these works and the scholarly literature assigned. Focus on population growth, inequalities, gender divisions, & access to healthcare (across sex, religion, and ethnicity).

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