Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families. Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”

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Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families. Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”

Watch the video AND answer the question:

Click to view the Free Market Reproduction learning scenario. ( Annual Ethics Symposium Evolving Ethics )

In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs. Why do you feel the way you do about free market reproduction?
Of the four responses offered in the Free Market Reproduction scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?

To complete this assignment:

Complete the entire scenario.

Compose your reflection in a Word document. Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?

Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.

Your reflection must be at least 300 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.) formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate. One page with title and reference

Next page Answer all FOUR question on Stem Cell Research Issues .

.Make sure to reference at the end

“Stem cells are undifferentiated, primitive cells with the ability both to multiply and to differentiate into specific kinds of cells. Stem cells hold the promise of allowing researchers to grow specialized cells or tissue, which could be used to treat injuries or disease (e.g., spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, strokes, burns).” (Slevin, 2010)

Choose ONE of the following issues to write your initial discussion posting about and post to the thread with supporting evidence. Title your initial post with the title of the issue.

Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.
Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”
3 Why is the task of disposing unused frozen human embryos different from disposing of other medical tissue?

4 Discuss why you think embryonic stem cell research “crosses a moral boundary.”

Nursing Evolution FOR pediatrics….. Talk about experience in Pediatrics and Clinical at least 300 words

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