Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why

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Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why

Select a Nursing Conceptual Model from Topic 2, and prepare a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation about the model. Include:
1. A brief overview of the nursing conceptual model selected.
2. Explanation of how the nursing conceptual model incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.
3. Explain at least three specific ways in which the nursing conceptual model could be used to improve nursing practice. Elaborate, explain, or defend each point mentioned.
4. Provide current reliable sources to establish credibility for the presentation.
Requirements for PowerPoint are as follows:
1. 10 slides for content.
2. 1 slide for references.
3. 1 slide for the title, which includes: (a) title of the presentation, (b) names of the CLC group members, and (c) date
4. Accompanying speaker notes elaborating on the information contained in each slide.
5. One member of the CLC group will submit the presentation, speaker notes, and the completed “CLC Group Project Agreement” to the instructor.

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Info Systems In Healthcare 1 Discuss Ways That Nursing Informatics Could Be Applied To All Areas Of Professional Practice
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

1. Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why
2. What are your experiences with using an electronic information system (EHR)? Describe the components of an EHR, and using the assigned readings, any past experiences or observations, and your imagination, share your thoughts on the following question: Can you give one pro and one con of an EHR with regard to enhancing patient care and safety? Include rationale for each. How do you see the EHR enhancing patient health literacy?

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