Discuss the types of nursing approaches which would be used in conjunction with the clinical application of nursing to facilitate a positive experience in the emergency department.

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Discuss the types of nursing approaches which would be used in conjunction with the clinical application of nursing to facilitate a positive experience in the emergency department.


please also use the set text EMERGENCY and TRAUMA CARE by curtis and Ramsden. Here is the assissgnment: The Emergenc

Please reflect upon and respond to the following

1. Every Patient™s presentation to the emergency department is extremely

varied- from howthey arrived there, the severity oftheir presentation, to howtheir own cultural perspective may influence theirvision of
their health. Many otherfactors will also contribute to howthey interpret theirtreatment and how emergency staff respond to


Emergency nursing is viewed as being very clinically and medically focused, however creating a rapport with patients is still vital

for nurses to provide optimum care and achieve desired health outcomes.

Consider these 2 different presentations and discuss the types of

nursing approaches which would be used in conjunction with the clinical application of nursing to facilitate a positive experience in the
emergency department.

Elderly lndigenous woman (70 years) from a remote Northern Territory community with infective exacerbation of
Young (20 year old) man, intoxicated -ETOH use +++, with a large head laceration from an assault in town.
˜Please note, we do
not want the treatment/procedures forthese patients but other examples of nursing management.

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